About True Handyman, LLC

From Our Owner
Thank you for considering True Handyman, LLC for your project needs.
I'll start with an introduction about how True Handyman, LLC began to provide insight into our customer focused culture. I have been around construction since I can remember. My great-grandfather was a master mason, and my grandfather was a master carpenter. My dad was also in construction early in life and always handled the maintenance and improvements around the house. When I was 14, I started taking construction jobs during the summers. My mom encouraged me to go to college so after graduating, I started a 19-year career in the insurance industry. After getting promoted into management, my wife and I purchased an investment property remodeled in the evenings and on weekends. I developed a passion for home improvement and considered pursuing that professionally, but we determined the timing wasn't right with a child on the way.
As fate would have it, I received a severance package from the corporate world in 2013. While I was "in between jobs," my mother-in-law's neighbor mentioned having difficulty finding a reasonable contractor for some drywall work. My mother-in-law recommended me, and I received my first handyman call. While working on that job, another neighbor asked me if I could look at her projects. This prompted me to research the local home improvement market online. Many consumer reviews indicated the industry had major opportunities to improve customer service. With the support of my amazing wife, I put brochures together, dispersed them in local neighborhoods, and True Handyman, LLC was born.
I can’t thank our customers enough for their repeat business and referrals to friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers. The remainder of our growth comes from our customers' reviews on Google, Yelp, Facebook, and other sources. These reviews directly reflect our commitment to integrity and customer service. Thank you for reading, and we hope to get the opportunity to work with you on your home and business project needs for years to come.
Jason Bond
True Handyman, LLC
True Handyman, LLC